christie nicholas mumpower

Working mums often feel judged – it could be their decision to want to have a career and be a mum, the hours they work, the time they spend with children, the decision to send their children to childcare, meals prepared, and the list goes on. Christie Nicholas and her marketing agency, Mumpower, recently conducted a study with Australian mums with some scary results. They found that 82% of mums feel judged, with 65% of mums who feel judged saying they are judged by other mums.

In this episode of the Working Mumma podcast, I speak with Christie about the impact when women feel judged, the key factors that are causing this, discuss ideas on how to overcome judgment and the importance of having confidence in ourselves to cut out the noise and back ourselves.

We talk about:

  • The shift in marketing to mums over the past 13 years
  • The role of social media in brands buying journey and the positive & negative impacts this has on women, especially mothers
  • Reasons why mums are feeling judged and it’s not what you might think
  • Impacts on feeling judged and how this has a flow on effect to our family
  • What we can do when we are feeling judged
  • Why mums are an amazing asset to any business
  • The importance of shorting our stories as working mums to talk opening about the challenges of having a family and following our career aspirations
  • Why the rise of Tik Tok may have a positive impact
  • What Christie would tell herself as a younger mum

I really enjoyed this insightful and engaging conversation with Christie.

Connect with Christie & Mumpower: 




Instagram: @mumpower_au


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