We want women to succeed in motherhood and career

Dedicated to supporting women navigate how to successful combine career and motherhood

There is a lot of support out there relating to pregnancy and when we first have a baby. Unlike the next phase of returning to work and juggling motherhood and career, where women often feel alone and unsupported in their quest to ‘have it all’.

We offer individual and business programs to help improve gender diversity by supporting working mothers in the most critical years of their careers and helping them thrive.

Programs for businesses

Help organisations set up for flexible work, maternity leave transition programs and manager training

Job-sharing possibilities you haven’t yet considered
Return to work programs

A return to work after maternity leave transition program to help women navigate their journey as a working mum

Working Mumma podcast

A podcast to provide actionable hints, tips, and real-world experiences to support you in your journey as a working mum. Listen today on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favourite podcast app.