Working Mumma Village – helping you thrive in career and motherhood

Helping you to feel confident and capable while juggling the demands of motherhood and a career

Welcome to Working Mumma Village, where career-driven mums like you find the support and empowerment they need to thrive in both their professional and motherhood journey.

Are you a career-driven woman who also cherishes the joys of motherhood?

We understand the unique challenges you face as you strive for success in your career while nurturing your family. Our village is built upon the belief that you don’t have to choose between excelling in your profession and being a loving, present mum.

With a supportive community, expert resources, and masterclasses, we’re here to help you navigate the delicate balance between work and family, reclaim your harmony, and unlock the incredible possibilities that await you.

Join us in this empowering journey and discover a village that understands and celebrates the strength and ambition of working mums like you.

Supporting women’s workforce participation

All too often the Achilles heel of a women’s career is having a child. Over 1 in 2 women experience bias when they become a mum. The pandemic has supported flexible work for working parents, but there is a lot that can be improved to support working mums. Workplaces all too often don’t have the resources to support working mums and you have to navigate the path on your own. It doesn’t have to be this way.

In the Working Mumma Village we want to support you in providing you the network, coaching, resources, and confidence as a working mum.

It takes a village to raise a family, but it takes a village to support a working mum

Thrive in both your career and motherhood with Working Mumma Village – the ultimate support system for ambitious working mums. Join our empowering community and unlock the secrets to achieving success in all areas of your life.

Reclaim your balance, redefine your journey, and celebrate the amazing strength of being a career-driven mum with us.

Many people tell you that you CAN be a mum and have a career.

But, don’t give you the community, resources and strategies to support you navigating the juggle.

Are you tired of being told that you can have it all – a successful career and a fulfilling motherhood journey – without being provided the necessary support, resources, and strategies to make it happen?

We understand. It’s not easy to navigate the complex landscape of juggling work and family responsibilities without the proper guidance and community by your side.

It doesn’t need to be lonely, feel like you should justify why you are choosing to work, or feel like you are treading water hoping for someone to throw you a life vest and rescue you.

Have you found yourself saying things like

Is it all worth it trying to ‘have it all’? 

I see others juggling but it seems too hard to me

I only want to work part-time and there doesn’t seem to be many jobs

Finding flexible work that aligns with our goals is common for many women

Childcare is so expensive and I just seem to be working to pay for childcare 

I’m sick of working to pay for something that I often can’t use because of sick children

I have no time for myself and I’m exhausted 

Is there an “off” button on the treadmill to catch up?


Good news – you don’t need to do it alone. There is a Village ready to support and watch you thrive.

I’m here to tell you that the thoughts, feelings, doubts, and challenges you experience are perfectly normal.

But here’s the secret: You don’t have to feel this way.

You deserve to navigate this journey with confidence and success.

You deserve to have a successful career.

You deserve to be the mum you want to be.

You deserve to be a role model for your children.

You deserve to be happy and fulfilled in all areas of your life.


Working Mumma Village

Helping you navigate having a successful career and motherhood


A supportive community of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges of being a working mum.

Expert resources and strategies

Access to a wealth of expert resources, tools, and guidance specifically designed to support working mums

Empowerment and confidence

Empowers women to embrace their identity as working mums and fosters a sense of confidence in their ability to succeed in both their career and motherhood

Working Mumma Success Path

Let’s have a look at how you can get the support you need

I know life as a working mum can be like a rollercoaster of emotions, and navigating the journey can be just as unknown.

Good news, the Working Mumma Success Path helps you get clarity on who you are, grow in confidence, identify the systems and processes you need, then help have work/life harmony.

You can work through this at your own pace and get support along the way.

Stage One – Doubt

Feeling stuck and lacking confidence juggling work, family and time for yourself. Inner critic is wondering if you can “have it all”. You experience strong mum guilt.

Stage Two – Clarity

Reviewing goals and understanding your “why” to have clarity focused around family, career and self-care. Identifying key areas for improvement towards better balance.

Stage Three – Foundations

Making changes based on your why to build towards your desired balanced life. Starting to have more confidence and self-belief and less mum guilt.

Stage Four – Foundations

Making changes based on your why to build towards your desired balanced life. Starting to have more confidence and self-belief and less mum guilt.

Stage Five – Thrive

You have found your balance across career, family and self-care. Feeling happy, guilt-free and confident in all aspects of your life.

Regardless of where you are on the Working Mumma Success Path,
here is what you will find inside the Working Mumma Village

Monthly Masterclass

Have you ever wished that your employer gave you regular learning opportunities on topics relevant to life as a working mum?

Well, our Monthly Masterclasses are here to help!

Every month we have a monthly masterclass with a leading expert or coach. These insightful sessions cover various topics relevant to working mums, such as career development and leadership, managing your mindset, work-life balance, return to work after maternity leave, self-care, and much more.

Learn from the best and acquire valuable knowledge and skills to excel in both your professional and motherhood roles.

Working Mumma Village Video Library

Missed attending a live Masterclass session? That’s ok, they are all recorded.

You will have unlimited access to our extensive video library. Packed with informative and inspiring content, the video library offers a treasure trove of resources at your fingertips from over 25+ masterclasses and special topics.

With our video library, you can conveniently access valuable insights whenever and wherever you need them.

flexible work email signature

Community and Networking

Connects with a vibrant community of like-minded working mums who understand the unique experiences and challenges you face.

Engage in meaningful conversations, seek advice, and build supportive relationships with fellow members.

Collaborate, share insights, and celebrate achievements together. The power of a strong community is invaluable as you navigate your career and motherhood journey.

Monthly networking sessions held on the second Tuesday and last Thursday of the month

Who is the Working Mumma Village for?

Women who are on maternity leave and due to return to work in the next 3-6 months

Women who have recently returned to work after maternity leave

Mother’s who are working and looking for a community of like-minded women

Working Mumma Village

Joining the Working Mumma Village will support you through:

  • Community and connection with like-minded working mums

  • Support you in the motherhood identity shift that we all experience

  • Help you gain clarity in your vision, purpose and ‘why’

  • Opportunity to share experience, knowledge and insights

  • Feel supported in the transition from parental leave back to work

  • Learn new skills and gain knowledge to give you the confidence

  • Think of it as your personal toolkit to helping you navigate the motherhood journey

How is the Working Mumma Village different from other networks?

  • There are networking groups out there, usually focused on either career or motherhood
  • The Working Mumma Village uniquely combines BOTH motherhood AND career
  • No matter if you work in a corporate, small business, or have your own business, the Working Mumma Village is here to support you
  • Is a space dedicated to mums and brings together like-minded women
  • It can be lonely as a working mum in a corporate environment and not everyone understands what it is like and how to navigate the challenges

A plan for everyone

Let’s get it started




What’s Included
  • Monthly live masterclasses

  • Private Facebook group

  • Private member only podcast

  • Masterclass library
  • Bi-monthly member networking
  • Member only newsletter
  • Member directory
  • 1:1 welcome call

Best value



per year

What’s Included
  • Monthly live masterclasses

  • Private Facebook group

  • Private member only podcast

  • Masterclass library
  • Bi-monthly member networking
  • Member only newsletter
  • Member directory
  • 1:1 welcome call
  • 2 months free
  • Copy Emma McQueen ‘Go-Getter’ book
Half yearly


6 months

What’s Included
  • Monthly live masterclasses

  • Private Facebook group
  • Private member only podcast

  • Masterclass library
  • Bi-monthly member networking
  • Member only newsletter
  • Member directory
  • 1:1 welcome call

Masterclass with topic experts available in Working Mumma Village library

Emma Lovell
Lovelly Communications
Ellen Hooper
The Growth Collective
Bec Dillon-Hensby
Financial Advisor
Lisa Stockman
Personal Stylist
Gemma Jackson
Mindset Coach
Clare Wilkes
HR Leader
Rebecca Bangura
Career and Leadership Coach
Nicole Smith
The Artisans
Dinah Rowe-Roberts and Mia Northrop
Life Admin Life Hacks
Mikhaila Warburton
Work It Mumma
Lisa Kroesche Boyce
The She Rebellion
Nicole Alesios
Business & Money Mindset Coach

Nice to meet you

I’m Carina O’Brien – Founder of Working Mumma

Hi, my name is Carina O’Brien. I am a wife, sister, friend, and mum to 2 active boys (1 & 4 years), an angel baby, and a fur baby. I enjoy being active, and going for a run is my thing. I also enjoy a nice glass of red or gin in front of the fire with my hubby.

In 2019, I founded Working Mumma, and continue to build a community that engages with over 5,000 women to support them in navigating their journey of motherhood and career. I am passionate about helping women have a career and be a mum.

The inspiration for Working Mumma came when I was 6 months pregnant with my first son and I was wondering how I was going to have a career and still be a mum – I wanted both. I looked around for stories and tips on how to manage the juggle and couldn’t find what I was after. So, I created it myself!

The A’s to your Q’s

The Working Mumma Village is for women that are planning, pregnant or have children and looking for support, personal development and connection on juggling motherhood and a career. It is for women that are employed and also have their own business.

We spend so much of our day focused on everyone else but ourselves.  For a very small amount each month you can learn, grow, and develop at your own pace.  If you aren’t able to attend the live sessions, that ok! They will be recorded and uploaded to the member portal AND the Private member podcast.  The membership will also support you in creating more organisation and time in your life so you can spend it with your loved ones.

Starting from this month and for every month thereafter, we will be adding the latest and most up-to-date content and resources that will see you progress along the Working Mumma Village Success Path. Unlike a course, where you enter and you have immediate access to pre-recorded content, the Working Mumma Village is about you accessing FRESH content every month for as long as you choose to remain.

It’s a large group experience where there is some teaching and I answer some of the questions of the live attendees. There will also be opportunity to submit questions and these will be selected at random. If you want your questions answered, you can also ask in the group where there is already a wealth of experience amongst members.

All women either they have their own business or work for a company are welcome to join – the juggle is still real.

It certainly is. The Working Mumma Village will help prepare you for motherhood from a career perspective.