The Working Mumma Podcast has reached a significant milestone with its 100th episode, and it’s time to reflect on the incredible journey it has been. I started the Working Mumma podcast as I was 18 months into my motherhood journey. It has become a beacon of support and empowerment for mothers navigating the challenges of balancing career and motherhood.

The podcast was born out of a desire to provide valuable guidance and support to working mothers. Faced with the limitations of organizing events that accommodated all working moms, the host, armed with my IT background, ventured into the world of podcasting. My goal was simple yet profound: to help at least one other mother on her own unique journey.

Receiving heartfelt messages from listeners who found solace and inspiration in the podcast has been an incredible motivation. Though I don’t know the faces behind the numbers, knowing that I have helped make a positive difference in someone’s life fuels my passion to continue. Episode 100 is an opportunity to express gratitude to both long-time listeners and those joining for the first time.

During this episode, I share my journey of self-teaching podcasting, diving into the world of podcasting resources, and testing various techniques. Embracing technology and fearlessly exploring its possibilities, I have created a platform that has not only facilitated my own personal growth but also invited others to embark on their own learning journeys.

Each episode of the Working Mumma Podcast holds a special memory. From memorable conversations in my walk-in robe to my current study since moving houses during the pandemic, every guest has contributed to the tapestry of the podcast. From enlightening discussions on topics such as matrescence, to spontaneous conversations with guests like Emma Lovell with no briefing.

People have asked if I have a favourite guest, but this is like choosing a favourite child. Many of the topics and guests I have been interested to speak with and learn more about their topic of interest. For example, I had no idea about matrescence and as we were about to start recording I couldn’t say the word. Recording the episode was like a light bulb moment and understanding the topic of matrescence has been so important. Now I share my little bit of knowledge regularly about matrescence since recording this episode. At different times in my motherhood journey, I’ve been challenged by a topic and I’ve then sourced someone to speak and I’ve learned so much recording. So, in a way this podcast has been my own personal development platform I’ve then shared the journey along the way.

The podcast has delved into sensitive topics, including my own pregnancy loss and personal struggles. Of the 100 episodes, the hardest and most challenging episode was sharing my own journey of ending a pregnancy due to medical reasons in a heartfelt conversation with Amanda from Bears of Hope. However, by opening up about my experiences, I was able to help others going through similar circumstances, emphasizing the power of storytelling in fostering empathy and support.

Through 100 episodes, the Working Mumma Podcast has explored various themes, leaving listeners with valuable takeaways and strategies to help them navigate the juggle of career and motherhood. From recognizing the importance of support networks and mental load, to navigating maternity leave transitions and managing mum guilt, the podcast has offered guidance and encouragement. Key issues like gender equality and the importance of continuous learning have also been discussed.

Here are my 10 key takeaways from 100 episodes:

  1. It takes a village to be a mum
  2. No journey is the same – everyone has a different situation; every mum is doing their best
  3. Mental load – is so important and it starts by having the conversation about sharing the load at home
  4. Going on maternity leave and returning back to work is a transition
  5. Mum guilt is real and doesn’t go away – we just learn how to manage it and that’s why I’m always talking about knowing your why and your values
  6. Never stop learning
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – it’s a strength, not a weakness
  8. Gender equality – Australia is the 4th highest of female graduates but less female workforce participation and gender pay gap. We all have a role to play – not just a women’s topic
  9. Mindset is huge and can be our biggest asset but also our biggest weakness. Keep working on it for your own personal growth and development
  10. Just go for it and don’t overthink it – you can do anything if you really want to

The journey has been a fulfilling one, filled with learning, growth, and an unwavering commitment to helping others. Looking forward, I hope the Working Mumma podcast will continue to be a source of inspiration, strategies, and empowerment for working mums around the world in navigating motherhood and a successful career.

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