When was the last time you had a moment on your own to acknowledge what a great mum you are? No doubt, it has been a while.

In this episode, I want to remind you that you are amazing and not alone in navigating the juggle of motherhood and career. It’s not easy, and there are good days and average days, but remember, doing something is better than doing nothing.

It’s okay to focus on what’s best for you and your family without comparing yourself to others.

I discuss the power of community and how connecting with other mums can provide encouragement and practical support. The importance of self-care is highlighted, emphasizing how taking time for yourself benefits both you and your family.

Additionally, I delve into embracing flexibility and setting boundaries to balance work and motherhood, showing how being adaptable and knowing your limits can help manage daily challenges.

As a takeaway exercise, I encourage you to reflect on 10 things you are doing well in motherhood and your career. Keep these visible, especially on those bad days, as a reminder of your strengths and achievements.

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