Working mum Rachel Green profile

Meet Rachel Green

How would you best describe yourself?

As a working mumma.

I’m an SEO copywriter for small business big on conscience. I get you seen online with naturally written words strategically sprinkled with SEO.

A heart-led mama of three, I like to hide from the chaos in the pantry – preferably while eating secret chocolate.

I follow my instinct and face discomfort head on by embracing it for growth.

How has becoming a parent changed your perception of work and career and what surprised you the most?

It’s helped me make peace with the idea that your career doesn’t need to fulfill you or be your passion. I was trapped in that thinking when I worked in corporate and it was only when I started my business as a mum that I discovered this – and allowed myself to think it. It’s totally ok to do work, get paid, and find your joy in other areas.

What surprised me the most is that I can define my success on my terms. That I don’t need to follow the world’s idea of what I should be doing. Simple stuff, but powerful revelations that blow my mind.

I’m constantly surprised also by my desire for sleep – and to be left alone!

What advice would you give your younger self about starting a family?

Nothing will prepare you for the joy and anguish ahead. Dive in with an open heart.

What has been your biggest challenge in motherhood to date? How have you overcome this?

While 34 weeks pregnant with baby #2, getting a neurological condition called Guillain Barre Syndrome, that paralysed me in my legs, arms, and face. I had to learn to walk, talk and eat again. I’ve overcome it with rehab, determination and just riding the wave. That’s what life gave me, so I picked myself up (literally) and did what I had to reclaim my life. Also, I had excellent family support.

It was a massive challenge in that it forced me to ask myself – what is living? Is this how you want your life to be? And it gave me a re-set to hold life with both hands and live it in full colour! Then 6 months after I was back to normal, I started my own business.

The residual effects of GBS and the nerve pain I still have are regular reminders to live life while I’m here.

What are your strategies to manage the juggle of career and family?

Run fast! I’ve learned to set and respect my boundaries. I work Mon-Wed (with the occasional stolen moment on Fridays too). My husband is supportive and flexible, we batch cook, share the pickups and transport to children’s activities etc. I keep weekends for family so that I can slow down and reset so that I can be the best mum/copywriter/wife/friend/self I can be.

What do you do for self-care?

Reading. Exercise – every day! I do a workout and walk the dog, so I get a few hits of those endorphins a day. Self-care is a hard one for me because I’ve forgotten what I like to do, in the busyness of motherhood.

Connect with Rachel on Instagram @ShineCopy

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