maddison demmler

Meet Maddison Demmler, mother of two and works in the Energy industry

How would you best describe yourself?

Resilient and tenacious

How has becoming a parent changed your perception of work and career and what surprised you the most?

The biggest surprise for me is that my drive to have a successful career has since grown and become more intense as I want to provide the best life for my children and set a positive example for them.

What advice would you give your younger self about starting a family?

Someone once told me “there is never a perfect time and if you wait for the perfect time you’ll be waiting forever.”

What has been your biggest challenge in motherhood to date? How have you overcome this?

Dealing with mum guilt and after listening to the podcast I’m trying to constantly remind myself and say it out loud to the children why I work and how it helps us as a family.

What are your strategies to manage the juggle of career and family?

Take each day as it comes and don’t stress yourself out over the finer details.

What do you do for self-care?

Try my best at staying present in the moment and enjoying a television show.

Connect with Maddison on Instagram @Maddison_demmler

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